Phone: 0221/93 70 17-0
Fax: 0221/93 70 17-27
Dr. Andreas Müller
1996 Doctor jur.
1996 Licence to practise
since 2000, executive secretary of the association for promoting competition and fair conduct in the forwarding, logistics and transport sector (Verein zur Förderung des Wettbewerbs und lauteren Verhaltens im Speditions-, Logistik- und Transportgewerbe e.V.).
Activity focuses:
Transport and Logistics (specialist in transport and forwarding law)
Labour law
Commercial and company law
Competition lawCustoms Law
Memberships and Publications:
Member of the German society for transport law (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transportrecht) and the transport and forwarding law working group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Transport- und Speditionsrecht) in the German law society (Deutscher Anwaltverein).
Co-author of specialist books and author of various articles in specialist periodicals on labour, competition and transport law themes